ControlExpert GmbH


ControlExpert – the technology-driven claims management service provider

ControlExpert is led by their vision that motorists should get fair damages compensation on the same day wherever they are in the world. Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Langenfeld between Cologne and Düsseldorf, the company has more than 800 employees worldwide and processes more than 14 million receipts, appraisals, invoices and cost estimates annually and standardises this knowledge in databases. With its own research and development department focusing on artificial intelligence, deep learning, automatic image recognition and telematics, ControlExpert researches solutions that will revolutionise claims processes in the future.

Development of GAIA-X AI models in the insurance field of motor vehicle claims processing

ControlExpert’s role in OpenGPT-X aims to demonstrate how OpenGPT-X can be used in the GAIA-X architecture in innovative business processes for the insurance industry. They will develop two use cases for OpenGPT-X: a digital assistant for online claims reporting and an AI-supported verification system for claims documents.

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