Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS
Fraunhofer IIS – We hear the bigger picture
The Audio and Media Technologies division of Fraunhofer IIS has been shaping the standards and technologies used worldwide in the audio and film industry for over 30 years. Starting with the invention of mp3 and continuing with the development of AAC and the Digital Cinema Initiative test plan, systems and technologies from Erlangen can now be found in almost all consumer electronics and (mobile) communications devices. Our latest generation of media technologies such as MPEG-H Audio, xHE-AAC, LC3/LC3plus, Symphoria and upHear are also already in use worldwide. We have also been involved in speech technologies for over 20 years. Most recently, the EVS standard was created, from which all 5G voice services benefit. Today, we are expanding our activities in the direction of speech signal processing and voice assistance systems.
Innovative Language Application Services for Gaia-X
In the OpenGPT-X project, the Fraunhofer Institutes IAIS and IIS have taken over the consortium leadership and, in addition to the organisational management, will also realise the training of functional and ready-to-use AI language models as well as the development of a Gaia-X node.