Zentrum für Informations­dienste und Hochleis­tungsrechnen (ZIH)


Centre for Information Services and High-Performance Computing – Services and research for science

As an institute of the Technische Universität Dresden, the Centre for Information Services and High-Performance Computing (ZIH) is responsible for the university’s communication infrastructure. It operates the university’s central IT infrastructure services and servers, and acts as a competence centre for high-performance computing. As an interdisciplinary centre, it also supports the university’s departments in all areas of IT. To support these tasks, the ZIH carries out research and development work and is closely networked with scientific institutions and partners from industry and business at national and international level.

Using HPC resources effectively

ZIH is making its HPC resources available for the project and is investigating various aspects of the performance of the language models. In addition to the quality of the predictions of such models, aspects such as parallel efficiency and energy consumption during the training of the models are becoming increasingly important; especially with the large language models envisaged in the project, there are high savings potentials, which ZIH will investigate. Finally, the connection and expansion of the project’s internal data management is on the ZIH agenda.

To the partner’s website
